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Our initiative is focused on creating a heart-based syllabus for underprivileged children – those affected by loss of family, war, or other humanitarian crises. While they are our main inspiration for this initiative, the syllabus is available free of charge for all children 4-12 years old.

No matter what circumstances we are born into, or face during our lives, we all possess many incredible abilities or superpowers, such as love, kindness, gratitude, and self-worth. Sometimes we lose sight of these powers and feel weak and vulnerable, which negatively affects our experience of ourselves and of our life.

The Love Academy’s syllabus- The Superpowers Manual - has been designed with the intention of reminding children about their superpowers, and helping them to access them through play and fun.

The Love Academy Syllabus incorporates over 80 lesson plans based on art, drama, meditation, stories, mindfulness, positive affirmations and movement. Through these activities, children will be taught how to access, amplify and express their unique superpowers in order to create a more significant impact in their own lives and the world around them.

You can support us by using the syllabus, helping to create awareness about it, and connecting us to decision makers in schools and orphanages around the world who would be open to incorporating The Love Academy Syllabus into their educational program.

We are also always in need of ambassadors who can help us with getting this syllabus to humanitarian organizations around the world.

To contact/collaborate with us, email at

Click here to hear more about the vision, the plan, and how you can help.

Our team members are experts in their respective fields, living in Dubai, UAE; and have come together as unpaid volunteers to design this syllabus. 

We are very grateful to have the support of a very diverse group of beautiful souls, and all the expertise and knowledge they bring to the syllabus. 

  1. Mira Khatib – Positive Psychology Art Coach & Artist. 

  2. Christiana Gonzalez - Children's Author, Educator & Curriculum Director. 

  3. Bernadett Shonibare - Emotional Expression Through Drama Teacher. 

  4. Evelyn Brey - Osteopath, Brain Gym Instructor & Touch for Health Practitioner. 

  5. Jacqueline McGarva - Educational Consultant & Teacher. 

  6. Rachelle Ruth - Children's Author, Teens’ Coach, Singer/Songwriter/Blogger. 

  7. Zimmy Khan - Clinical Hypnotherapist, Life Coach & EFT Practitioner. 

  8. Melissa Bell - Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Meditation & Mindfulness Practitioner. 

  9. Sandra Baxter – Loss & Bereavement Therapist & Relax Kids Coach. 

  10. Rasha Dahrouj - ThetaHealing & Project Management Professional. 

  11. Stephanie Hamilton - Yoga, Breathwork & Color Therapy Practitioner.

  12. Leilani Coughlan– Artist & Illustrator. 

  13. Arafaat Ali Khan - Co Founder of ME Film & Comic Con, Play Specialist. 

  14. Kate Sheikh – Yoga and Mindful Eating Coach. 

  15. Alifiyah Vali – Designer & Creator of Syllabus layout and creative elements. 

  16. Yusra Mujib - Digital Media Expert, Photographer, Videographer. 

  17. Courtney Brandt – Journalist, Author, Blogger, & Editor of Syllabus. 

  18. Chryss Stathopoulos - Air traffic Controller, Writer, Blogger & Editor of Syllabus.